If I could stop time I would spend an eternity on a canoe trip with my family. I would write all of the books that are lining the drawers of my brain and then start time again so that I could be one of those phenom writers who can put a book out once a year. To be honest I would try very hard to accomplish everything I could towards my new years resolutions. Because you know, it's nearly that time again and I haven't quite got there. Like Bill Murray towards the end of Groundhog Day I would learn as much as I could and fill myself with skills and talents. I could learn Italian and Dutch, and teach myself to knit and I'd lose weight and I could figure out how to write a million-dollar screenplay.
I'd spend as much time with the people I love as I possibly could.
The second part of Sunday Scribblings was if you could choose any superpower out of the basket what would it be? That's a tough one if you get too deeply involved in the process. My gut instinct is that I would fly. That one is obvious as it would save me a blooming fortune on airfare. As for a fighting-evil superpower, I really enjoyed Elastagirl's powers in the Incredibles. That would be handy no matter what you were doing.
Okay, so please please send us your positive vibes this weekend. Mark and I are running (I use that term loosely when it comes to me!) the Cardiff Half Marathon this Sunday morning. I am so nervous I feel sick. I have knee braces (sexy!) and Powerade and a fully charged, fully loaded ipod. All I need now is some courage and Divine help. I'll be back Monday (hopefully) to tell you how it went.
I will be soooo thinking of you Sunday! Run girl run-you will be fab.
I would love to check in with you daily about sitting down. Want to pick a time?
ooooh, i hope it goes well! that's so cool that you're running a marathon!!!!
will be sending you many good vibes on Sunday!
thank you for your kind words, megg - and damn straight, i'll be thinking about you. you will KICK SOME ASS. :)
Good luck sweet girl! I am so incredibly proud of you...what an inspiration you continue to be for me. Don't forget to enjoy yourself while you run...get lost in your music, the rhythym of your feet hitting the ground, the pure air entering your body with each inhalation...enjoy yourself!
Sending you lots of love and big, big hugs - TD
Hi Megg,
A post that touches my spirit! Best wishes and go-get-em thoughts for your Marathon this weekend.
Thanks for your comment :) Everything is okay here -- I know I have been quiet over at the Diaries. Inspiration is not gracing me with its presence, lately...
Good Luck!!!!!!!!!! You will be amazing no matter what!! So proud of you for doing it, I couldn't even imagine. 10km was enough for me!!
I can't wait to hear how it goes.
big hugs!
You can do it Meg! I am so impressed by your drive, and jealous that you can just pop over to Wales for the weekend! Have a great time!
Good luck Meg!! Run, baby, RUN!!
I enjoyed reading this ... wishing you fleet feet and a sturdy heatbeat.
You GO girl!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
Good luck! I think that is wonderful. Go You!
I like the idea of stopping time to write all the books. LOl. That is a good one.
Good luck for the run. As for the rest, I can't stop time for you but I can wish you a long life so that you can get everything done.
Yes...flying seems to be a theme for the weekend :)
gotta fly! *wink*
loved your scribblings
xxxxxxxxxxx d
Wonderful Scribble. Love the image of ideas lining a drawer.
Good luck to you in the run. Here ((*)) are supportive thoughts and wishes for you and your husband.
Go, Megg!
I can't wait to hear about how it went. I thought about you all day. By the time I woke up this morning, the race was already done! It's hard to believe that you were running marathons while I was snoring away!! xoxooxox
Good post! I love that part of Groundhog Day - such a great idea!
Hope you survived the run and did better than you expected!
i'll be flying with you, girlfriend ;-)
so how did the marathon go????!!
I thought of you on Sunday as I was running 'round the lake in a downpour, how'd it go??
I LOVED this post Meg, I wish I could slow time a bit as well. Slow it to enjoy our last year here for a while. To accomplish more, to do so many things. I feel like each year goes faster and faster!!
Wanna have a phone date soon love, would love to catch up!!
I hope the run went well! I like the thought of using stopped time to learn everything you want.
Hi Meg,
I hope that the run went well - looking forward to the update. Miss you over here - would love to talk soon.
Hope you're doing well after the big run ... can't wait to here how your day was!
"Leave saving the world to the men? I mean c'mon! I don't think so! ... I don't think so."
I love Elastigirl!
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