“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.” - Roald Dahl

The weirdest thing happened to me today. Anyone who reads my blog regularly will know that I am completely addicted to books. I am obsessed by them. The only part of my 'dream home' that I have ever really concentrated on is the library. When I go to people's houses and they haven't got any books I get a bit freaked out. I have piles of them beside my bed, bookshelves full of them and a desk covered in them. I also write them. I have written two (not publishable) and am writing a third (hopefully very publishable.) Books are everything to me.
I often buy books and
then don't read them. I believe that a book finds me and then waits until I am ready for its message. Shortly before we left for Canada I walked into a bookstore and bought a book for my book group list. I didn't really think about it much after that. The write up on the back didn't draw me in but I needed a book that I hadn't read. I put it on my bookshelf and left it.
Yesterday in the airport I was looking through the books and one caught my eye. The cover and the write-up made my mouth water. I put it down and went through airport security, believing that I didn't really need it. It called to me though and I searched through the bookstore on the other side of security. I finally found one copy tucked underneath another pile of books. I bought it and started devouring it on the plane.
Today I was looking for another book and realized that those two books were the same book. Different covers, completely different write-ups on the back, but the
same book. (I've never ever done that before - I always remember my books!) I now own two copies, but obviously I am meant to read it now. I've read a third of it and I am feeling both madly in love and woefully untalented. Delicious.
I love books.