"We have been given a new story. When it is time for a new story to emerge, holding on to the past... only intensifies our dilemma." - Margaret J. Wheatley
I am past the help of my books. I am past the help of my blog. I am afraid I realized this morning that I JUST NEED TO GET THIS STUFF DONE. Be brave is about doing something every day that scares you. Well, it scares me to stop procrastinating and just get these projects into the world. So that is what I am doing. I am taking a few weeks to pull my energy in and use it where it will help me the most.
Have a delicious, wonderful, divine, soul-full August. Keep me posted on you and wish me luck!
Wishing you luck and holding you in my thoughts. You can do it! You will. You already are!
I can't wait to hear what you manage to complete in August. Thanks for the inspiration!
that sounds wise, honey, you got so much to do, and it's going to be amazing. i'm in all weekend, so let's talk then. i love you! xoxox
i'm feeling very much the same way these days, my courageous friend.
sending you love and luck aplenty.
i'll be thinking of you.
good luck honey ... august looks like it will be project month, mine is looking much the same with house stuff to do, weddings to shoot and plans abounding. it is brave to stop procrastinating and to do. thinking of you, hugs!
I have found that for me, procrastinating is really the avoidance of finishing--and that comes from a fear of what lies beyond. It's easier to have a project in hand to work on, than it is to face the "what comes next" void that is out there once it the project is finished.
You are so right. Just get it done. Send it out there. Let it go. We need to create space for the next thing to find its way to us...and that can't happen until we let go of what we are holding on to now.
You'll be in my thoughts.
yes...it is very brave to push through procrastonation towards success! so i wish you luck and bravery and energy!!!
Sending you love and magic Megg! You're going to do great...and move right on through this procrastination...(of course, this is coming from someone who is procrastinating on the computer. :)
I can't wait to hear how things go for you.
You can do it, you are braver than you know.
I'm wishing you luck, dear girl! Although I'm pretty sure you don't need it. You are a wise woman to take this time for yourself.
Right now I am sitting here enjoying a moment of quiet with you.
much love,
you go love!!!!!!!
I am so freakin proud of you, continuously inspired and lifted up by your love.
Darling you are wonderful-go shine girl-go shine!!!!!
Thinking of you, you brave and wonderful girl.
I hope all is well and you are brimming with good energy...your life is so full and exciting!
Much love
"Well, it scares me to stop procrastinating and just get these projects into the world"-- ME TOO!
Me too. Me too.
You've encouraged me to be brave and get my own stuff done. Hope it's going well for you.
Walked in a bookshop in Banff...looked up, right into a book, and on the cover it said (in HUGE letters )
My first thoughts were ooeeeee Megg's book...and then o yes, not yet...be patient!!!
But for one second I really thought it was YOUR book! :0)
Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you... with writing your book which is finish? and preparing for your wedding? and having a fabulous summer?
and just loving you for being who you are! xx
Wishing you all the luck and love in the world, sweet Megg!! I hope it's all going well! I miss you!! xoxo
It's nice when you see such a great work! Continue writing
Remarkable Blog Posts!! Great work Buddy.
Flashing Content!! Great, keep up.
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