Saturday, July 05, 2008


"There is, as Emerson says, some central idea or conception of yourself by which all the facts of your life are arranged and classified. Change this central idea and you change the arrangement or classification of all the facts and circumstances of your life." - Wallace Wattles

There are some people out there who believe in the power of cosmic ordering completely. There are others out there who scoff at it and can't believe that they 'brought this on themselves.' Sometimes shit happens and we just can't get our head around it. Those people then shake their heads and say that things like "The Secret" can't be right. How can we possibly believe that that someone caused something so awful to happen to them?

I don't have any answers to that, but my own life has been changing in the past few years, and when I read the quote I have shared by Wallace Wattles, something finally clicked into place so loud I even heard the click. I get it. I can't believe it took me this long. It's not about wishing for something so hard that you magically get it. It's not about wanting something and thinking you already have it. It's not about that at all. In fact, those things are the quickest way to sit on your ass and have nothing happen.

Reading Wattles' quote again I can see that we have a far greater task in all of this. Somewhere at our core we have a belief about ourselves that holds us down. It's the belief that we are the most afraid of. It's the belief that makes us cry. To make it metaphoric, I'll say we believe we can't fly. So we don't. Our job is to excavate that belief. Our job is to be brave enough to find out what it is and what is keeping us from being at peace deep deep down. It is that thing that is keeping us from being happy as we are. When we can be happy as we are then we will make choices and be confident enough to work those asses we were sitting on off in the direction of our goals. We will stop doubting ourselves. We will be focused on learning to fly. That is the real secret.

And shit will still happen. But if we aren't already stuck in a pile of our own shit we will be better able to deal with it when it does.

"Our desires presage the capacities within us; they are harbingers of what we shall be able to accomplish. What we can do and want to do is projected in our imagination, quite outside ourselves, and into the future. We are attracted to what is already ours in secret. Thus passionate anticipation transforms what is indeed possible into dreamt-for reality." - Emerson


Deirdre said...

So true. The year I started believing in myself was the year everything changed. New job, new relationship, new home. Life got really good.

Anonymous said...

amen to that sister!

Jaime said...

This is wonderful!

This reflects my own thoughts about "The Secret" and puts into words what I couldn't quite put into words inside my own head. I knew that there was more to it than just wishful thinking.
Love this...will come back and read it again.

Anonymous said...

MEgg, luv your blog & sunday scribblings. Life? What is said, "life is what happens 2 u when u're makin other plans."
Well, I had no plans 2 ever discover your blogs. I just have these accidents where I run into good people.
Inspiring work! Just started my own blog recently. I'm gonna add your blog to my blog links. Keep up the wunderful scribbling!
PS: how's de weather where u're at?

Jennifer/The Word Cellar said...

"We are attracted to what is already ours in secret." Isn't that exciting??

Anonymous said...

I believe most us of know deep down the intention and direction of our lives, but we allow fear and a lack of belief in possibility to distract us from the true path we dream of in our waking moments.

Thanks for another thought provoking piece.

Elizabeth said...

I loved that Emerson quote too!

Anonymous said...

wow! i heard the click too. i love you, FB. i can't wait to see our lives unfold, hopefully in Somerset :-) x

enchantedartist said...

Oh exactly...exactly! I take such comfort in knowing I'm not the only one in this place...


Anonymous said...

You really do get "it"! And at such a young age, it took me until I was in my 40's to get it and still I am working it out, but I guess better late than never.

daisies said...

loved reading this today, am going to let it swirl around my head a bit and settle in .. xo

Jessie said...

oy! this is a powerful post for me right now. i think i could read it about 10 times. and i probably will.

i wish i had the words to have a better conversation about this...because i think it is of the utmost importance.

love you,

Anonymous said...

This resonates so deeply within...would you mind sharing the titles of the books that you got the Wattles and Emerson quotes from? I'd love to read them....



Nippon said...

It's nice when you see such a great work! Continue writing

Giftbasketworldwide said...

Helpful one! Thank You so much.