Saturday, April 19, 2008

Good Things.

1. Having a visit in two weeks from two lovely bloggers!!!
2. This new blogger who I am loving getting to know through her beautiful words and photographs.
3. These amazing pictures which I just received in the mail. (I am completely enchanted! Thank you Maddie!)
4. All of the kind words you all left about my book being finished! (Well, the first draft anyway!)
5. Buying plane tickets to go home for MY WEDDING. (Yup, still weird.)
6. A brave, inspiring woman!!
7. This piece of poem: night
there's a heartbeat at the door.
Outside, a woman in the fog,
with hair of twigs and dress of weed,
dripping green lake water.
She says "I am you,
and I have traveled a long distance.
Come with me, there is something I must show you..."
She turns to go, her cloak falls open,
suddenly, golden light... everywhere, golden light...

-Clarissa Pinkola Estes



caroline : my pocket said...

That poem... aah...

:) Visiting you, can't wait!

Jaime is wonderful, isn't she?

Buying plane tickets, how deliciously exciting! :) xoxo

enchantedartist said...

Oooo...such wonderful times ahead for you! I am so happy for you!

(I've got some of Maddie's photos on my list of things to buy too...they're great! :) )

GreenishLady said...

Thank you for sharing so many good things, such riches, and especially that piece from Clarissa Pinkola Estes.

Frankie said...

Gorgeous poem! Thank you for sharing it! Such good things here, Meg. Such a wonderful life awaiting you. Such a wonderful life you are already living. I have that picture of the woman walking into the water too and am absolutely in love with it. Kindred spirits, I suppose. Thanks for all the great links and bits of joy! I am always so fulfilled after visiting you! xoxo

liz elayne lamoreux said...

love your list of good things...

those same two photographs are up right now in this room where i am writing these words. i love them...

congratulations on finishing your book - that quote you posted in the post below is incredible...i can only imagine how wonderful and powerful and beautiful your book is meg. you are living it. it is fantastic.

many blessings to you...

Anonymous said...

oh how wonderful that Linni and Caroline are going to visit you. They came to see me about 3 weeks ago and we had the most WONDERFUL time!

Hopefully some day the four of us can get together (I would love that).

I don't comment here much but I'm always lurking around.

Love the quote and thanks for the links to the photos - amazing!

Congrats again on your book.

Jaime said...

Oh Megg....I came around to see what you were up to, and was surprised to find a link to me!!
Thank you so very much. I absolutely love getting to know you as have such a warmth about you.
Beautiful imagery in this it from Women Who Run With the Wolves? That book has been sitting on my shelf unread for ages, like many others I'm afraid. After reading these words, I just might pick it up and start reading!
By the way, you can come on over and have french toast any time!!!

Much love to you

daisies said...

so much wonderful fun coming up :) linni is coming to canada in the summer, way out here in the west ... maddie's photography is an absolute delight!

Michelle (a.k.a. la vie en rose) said...

oh wow...i got chills reading that poem...

Gill said...

Firstly, that poem is out of this world amazing!!! Loved it.
Secondly, I can see why Mad's photos made your day, she is incredibly talented...her work dons the walls of most of the spa here.
Lastly, where are you getting married? Canada???
Enjoy your weekend!

Nippon said...

Great information. Thanks!

Giftbasketworldwide said...

It's nice when you see such a great work! Continue writing