Friday, April 11, 2008


"To be strong does not mean to sprout muscles and flex. It means meeting one's own numinosity without fleeing, actively living with the wild nature in one's own way. It means to be able to learn, to be able to stand what we know. It means to stand and live." - Clarissa Pinkola Estes.

I'm not here for long. I am writing. Madly. My book has been pouring out of me in the last little while. I have been reminded this week of the preciousness of time. It's a cliche but like most cliches it is there because it is true.

My book is nearly done. I am writing the last few chapters now. It is a strange and unusual thing, but for me it pulses with energy and familiarity. I hope that it will also do the same for the readers it will eventually have. I am in love with it and it has finally opened itself up to me. I see where it is going. I feel like I have been preparing for it my whole life. I feel like I know it and it was waiting for me.

Tell me - what is pulsing with energy and familiarity for you? What is bubbling beneath the surface of your life? What are you creating in your psyche? What do you know you will create?


Thea Coughlin said...

This is yummy to hear love.....

bubbling beneath is my big strong girlz illustrations....they feel a bit buried beneath must accomplish first are an inspiration...

Brandi Reynolds said...

oh my paintings are breathing to life within me-pouring out of me.

beautiful post-lovely reminder.

Chloe said...

To feel like you’ve been preparing for this your whole life and then see it come into being is truly amazing. Your readers will certainly feel that energy.

There’s something bubbling beneath my surface too…that’s for sure. I can’t share just yet, but hopefully very soon.

Jessie said...

oh, honey, i am so absolutely happy for you! the book is nearly done and something has opened up inside of you...YES!!! this little post makes me feel happiness for you in such a huge way. i felt this when i finally came to the end of my thesis and when that feeling came i knew it was right.

big hugs to you. you are on your way! :)

live fully. live deeply.

Carrie Wilson Link said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I LOVE your Clarissa Pinkola Estes quote!

I'll be back!

Frankie said...

Fabulous thoughts and questions! I hope someday to have the courage and strength to pursue my writing beyond this blogging world in some way. I would love to write a book or an essay or really anything that takes risk. I would love to acquire enough faith in myself to put my words out there. Someday....

Thanks for inspiring me. xoxoxox

caroline : my pocket said...

I'm so excited for you! That book wanted to be born :) What's bubbling beneath the surface here is something exciting too, but I can't write about it yet.. Life is always pulsing one way or the other though :) I love what you said in your comment on my blog recently, about something amazing always being just about to happen - I feel that too, so well put. xoxo

Nippon said...

It's nice when you see such a great work! Continue writing