Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Joy Rebels

I am quite sick today. It hurts to talk. So I am letting this sassy rockstar do the talking for me.



Dallas, TX-April 25, 2009

They come from all walks of life and across the world. Joy rebels. There may be one in your own neighborhood.

What is a joy rebel?? A joy rebel is a member of an elite army started by Brandi Reynolds in early 2009. Brandi was tired of the ‘must fix list’ tirade found in most of the self help section and decided she wanted to have some fun, reclaim joy and live a fully authentic life.

And then she invited some friends and they invited some friends and now an army of strong, crafty, fun loving, authentic men and women all over the internet and blog sphere have taken up her cause and marched into the streets and across their web pages with…heart shaped sticky notes. And sidewalk chalk. Oh and warrior names that reveal their innate talents like ‘bubble blower extraordinaire’.

They do things like leave notes in books for others to find. Write joy in sidewalk chalk. Hug trees. And generally wreck havoc on the doom and gloom population glued to the network news.

Anyone committed to the sublime art of being their authentic self is welcome to join this rebel army. Potential warriors can join at http://brandireynolds.blogspot.com. There they will be welcomed into a community of amazing humans, receive weekly missions and get a badge to add to their blog or web page. They should probably not be averse to glitter glue.

Let’s make this a joy nation. Join today!!!
{Brandi Reynolds is a photographer and joy rebel that clearly doesn’t take herself that seriously. For more info, you can contact her here: brandi@brandireynoldsphoto.com or visit her website here:http://www.brandireynoldsphoto.com}


Brandi Reynolds said...

hooray! thank you darlin!

I hope you feel better soon. :-)

Vivienne said...

yay joy rebel-ry!!!

and i hope you feel better soon too!

Jo said...

Oh no! You got the lurgy too? Lousy timing! I hope you're feeling much better soon.


3rdEyeMuse said...

speedy recovery to you & many thanks for the great heads up. :)

Floranet said...

Helpful one! Thank You so much.

Giftbasketworldwide said...

Sound so innovative!! It's so mesmerizing to read this

Rakhinationwide said...

These sound awesome. Keep up your great work.