Sunday, August 02, 2009

Brit. Bloggers

"There are things you do because they feel right & they make no sense & they may make no money & it may be the real reason we are here: to love each other & to eat each other's cooking & say it was good." - Brian Andreas

At 11:20am they began to appear at my garden gate. Laughing, talking, carrying bags of food, piles of magazines, and dressed like summer, they soon filled my little house. I have been off sick for over a week now, and they were all just what the Dr. ordered!

Something wonderful happens when bloggers meet, and when bloggers meet that have met before it is magic! We eased back into conversation like we had seen each other yesterday, dancing between topics as big as our dreams and as normal as shopping. We laughed, took hundreds of pictures, talked about toast catalogues, love, life and began unfolding our life visions.

I have lots more to say about them. I want to tell you how truly beautiful (inside and out) Penny is in real life, and how Susannah sparkles and fills the room with her energy. I would like to tell you how Leonie shines from somewhere deep inside, how Jo is one of the wisest fiercest women I've ever met, and that Emma makes me feel like anything I want to do is possible. But I am sleepy now. I have to do the dishes, clean up bits of magazines from the floor and smell the roses that once lived in Emma's garden.

It was a good day.


Kel said...

Thank you for sharing - what a wonderful day. I am so pleased to be finding wonderful Brit bloggers, so many of my kindred spirits seems to be across the ocean.

Susannah said...

It *was* a good day wasn't it.. i love you xoxox

Pen said...

thank you for opening your home to us... you are such a wonderful hostess... the soup, the eton mess... yum.

i want to do it all again...
soon., please?


leonie.wise said...

yeah it was a good day babe. thanks for making us all so welcome!

& yes, i agree with pen*, lets do it all again soon

feel better

The Food Girls said...

Don't you just live for days like that? I just LOVE soulmates! They make life truly amazing! Can't wait to check out all of your soul sisters' blogs!

Jo said...

Lovely day, lovely you!

Brandi Reynolds said...

I love that first photo-adorable!!

so wonderful to hear about warm and amazing connections.

daisies said...

it is so like magic, i love that and i find that my blogger friends are such deep friendships, so good :-)

so glad you had such a beautiful day!! xo

Oven Fresh Cake said...

Remarkable Blog Posts!! Great work Buddy.

Giftbasketworldwide said...

Great Job on providing info on much needed topic!