Saturday, June 03, 2006

Sunday Scribblings #10 - ... earliest memory

I can't believe it is the 10th week of Sunday Scribblings already. Time sure flies!

No matter how hard I try I can't decide on my first memory. I have an amazing memory for things that happened after I was about 7 or 8 but the things that happened when I was really little are a bit fuzzy. I think that the problem is that I don't know if they really are my memories or if they have been taken from pictures or stories that other people have told. I don't remember very much about living at the camp. I am terribly sad about that, because I am sure that every memory would be interesting.

I can remember climbing up my "step-up cupboard." My room had a closet with lots of shelves that I could use as steps to get up to the top. I loved it! I also remember falling and scraping all of the skin off of my knee on our front step. I remember running up the steps to my Mom and getting her to "fix it." But I think that my clearest earliest memory that I know is simply a memory was from when I was about four. I went to a Nursery School near where we lived, but my Dad or Mom drove me to school every day. I remember being at school at the far end of the room (it was green, I think) and looking over towards the door. My Dad had come in and he was holding something in his hands. From that distance I thought he was holding a huge hamburger. ( That part of the memory always makes me laugh - even then I had a thing for hamburgers!!) But as it turned out, he was holding a turtle! He had found it on the road and had brought it in to show the kids at the school before he let it go somewhere safer.

My funniest earliest memory was from my last day of school before we moved away from the camp. I must have been in Kindergarten by then, because my memory of this classroom is red, not green. On the side chalkboard, there was a cardboard cut-out of a shoe for each student. The shoe had yarn laces and your name in big black letters. If you could prove to the teacher that you could tie your shoes, you could have your shoe moved up to the chalkboard at the front of the room. Well, I remember sitting behind my bedroom door on my last day of school, determined not to go until I could tie my shoes. And yes, the tenacious little madam that I was was able to figure it out in time to get my shoe put at the front of the room before I had to leave that school. What a kid!

I think I need to channel her spirit to help me get other things in my life done!!

What are your earliest memories?


Catherine said...

I think our early memories do get hazier and hazier as we mix the actual memories up with things people have told us, and things we have told other people. Researchers have proved we remake our memories every time we tell them. I did like the shoe story though. I remember being quite persistent at some things when I was little. Like you, I think I need to learn from my childhood self at times. Thanks for sharing

Claudia said...

I can feel that determination in all your posts, maybe soon there´ll be a book with your name on it in a book shop as a reward instead of a shoe on the board!?

Ann Marie Simard said...

Hi Megg! My earlies memory is abou Dad leaving on a plane when I was two, so I took it from there.... I liked your step-up cupboard too... I was always climbing... right, we should channel these girls!

And thanks for Sunday Scribblings!

Ann Marie

jojo said...

"I think I need to channel her spirit to help me get other things in my life done!"

maybe more carboard shoes in your studio where you work???

what a great image. I picture little wee ones staring at those shoes in such envy, with such inspiration...

it is interesting what you say about whether memories are pictures or stories from elsewhere. i always wonder that.

Jessie said...

The hamburger made me laugh too. And yes, if we could only channel our childhood qualities. What a great idea! I loved reading this. I loved seeing you work your way through the memories and then your ability to convey them.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! - to push for a goal on your own and so young! Good for you! Isn't it funny how the 'whys' stand out sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Hi Megg,

It seems that for most of us our earliest reliable memories start around three to four years old. Looking at that photo I can just picture the determined little you trying to tie those shoes! It is a very lovely photo by the way.

Take care, Kerstin

GoGo said...

Nice post. Memories are tricky things, and am finding it hard to really remember a memory and not just stories told so often I have implanted pictures in my head of the events.

Love the photo.

Laini Taylor said...

I hadn't thought about shoe-tying in so long! I don't have a clear memory of one instance like that, but a vague jumble of frustration followed by pride. What a landmark! Now, I think it would be easy to grow up without ever learning, there are so many kinds of shoe fasteners now! Also love the tortoise/hamburger thing, and your photo is SO cute!!!

Dani In NC said...

The shoe-tying memory touched my heart. I think I needed an incentive like that. I learned how to read before kindergarten, so I spent most of my early years with my nose in a book and too distracted to put much effort into learning life skills. I think I was in 2nd or 3rd grade before I mastered shoe-tying.

Tammy Brierly said...

Cute little girl and very sweet memories :)

Colorsonmymind said...

This was full of great memories. what a detremined little girl you were!

Susannah Conway said...

oooh, look at little Megg, what a cutie :-) i'm like you, a lot of my hazy memories come from photos and my mother's memory rather than my own. the thought of you getting your mum to 'fix' your scraped knee is so sweet...

Jessica Spotswood said...

I love how fearless children can be in their absolute determination to learn and explore. I wish I could be more like that now myself! That picture is adorable.

boho girl said... are such a friggen cutie pie.

look at you!!!



Alex S said...

You're looking very mischevious in that photo Megg, like you're about to pull a quick prank possibly? You also look so sweet! This was a great writing prompt. I am getting ready to write mine but first enjoying reading everyone's! And its so funny to me what parts of memories stick years later, like the 'hamburger' in your dad's hand. Why do our minds hold onto some details and totally let go of others? Enjoyed reading this!

Jennifer S. said...

such a cute pic... love your determination story! I'm really having trouble thinking of a memory prior to Kindergarten???

Anonymous said...

What great memories - I especially loved the 'hamburger' turtle :-)
And your determination to master a skill, at such a young age especially, is so admirable and inspirational.

liz elayne lamoreux said...

these are good ones my friend.
i love hamburgers too. and i also love turtles...but not to eat!
you can channel that spirit anytime because that little girl is you. she is you my friend.

Patry Francis said...

You made her so vivid that now I want to channel her spirit,too!