Saturday, August 05, 2006

Sunday Scribblings - Who Else Might I Have Been?

This week's prompt for Sunday Scribblings is, "Who Else Might I Have Been?"

I can trace my life right now back through so many decisions. I've played the game of wondering where this part of my life started. If I hadn't come to England the first time I wouldn't be here with Mark. But I can go farther. If I hadn't stopped going to camp the year I did I would never have worked at the museum and met the boy who I had the dysfunctional relationship with. It was this relationship that helped to ruin a friendship. The friend and I were going to go to England together. When university, the relationship and the friendship were all over, I decided to get away to England without her. Without her I knew I couldn't live in London alone. I chose a tiny hotel in the middle of nowhere. All roads, all decisions, all movements from the time I was 19 conspired together to bring me here. I have to believe it was fate.

What would have happened if I had kept on going to camp? What would have happened if I had dumped that boyfriend's sorry ass when I first knew I should? What would have happened if I had been too afraid to move to England for the first, second, and third times? I don't know. Maybe I'd be a teacher now, and living in Ontario. Maybe I'd be married and having babies. Maybe I would be heading towards a Principalship, driving a VW and enjoying my summer vacation in Mexico. Maybe I would have done Outdoor Rec at university and I'd still be camping. Maybe I would have gone on to get my Phd and become a Professor. The possibilities are endless.

Who else might I have been? All of those lives might have been wonderful. Would I have been happy? Or would my decisions still have eventually led me to Mark? It's hard to say. But I often tell him that in the next life, he has to come and find me. It was a lot of work this time.


Jennifer S. said...

cute ending, I love it! brought me a smile

SC said...

:) insert smile here :) xoxo

Anonymous said...

A very honest post, Megg. Your post has just brought back memories of my relationship with my other half.. I wonder if I should write it up as a "belated" SS post now!


Kay Cooke said...

Yes I love the ending too - but the rest was pretty neat as well!

TheTart said...

Nice one!

The Tart
; )

Rebekah said...

It is so often the small, seemingly insignificant decisions that set us on paths that develop immense importance. It sounds like you are right where you should be, albeit a circuitous journey. Lovely.


Kerstin said...

I love your conclusion and the way you lead us there. Very well written, thank you Megg.

Jessie said...

"All roads, all decisions, all movements from the time I was 19 conspired together to bring me here. I have to believe it was fate."

That gave me chills! And I can't help but believe that it's true. It is an interesting thought, making me mentally flip through the pages of my history.

Have I mentioned lately how much I love reading your blog? Well, it's true. ;)

Star said...

Wonderful post, Meg. It is so nice to see that you haven't let the "what ifs" affect the outcome. You've made the best of your circumstances and are happy to be figuring it all out.

sundaycynce said...

"All roads, all decisions.....conspired together to bring me here." That is what I felt about my life too. But you pulled it together so succinctly. In spite of or because of the many decisions in our life, we are where we are supposed to be. I also agree that when you find a really good soul mate, it would be nice to get together with him/her again if we actually do have other lives. Thanks for sharing.

jennifer black said...

My favorite line: "But I often tell him that in the next life, he has to come and find me."

Great post!
