I need to warn you, this will be a little bit of a rant. NOTHING bugs me more this time of year than people saying that they hate Christmas. HATE CHRISTMAS?!? HATE CHRISTMAS?!? Well, if you fall into that category, I'm sorry but you just don't get it.
Now I understand about hating the commercialism and the crowds and the pressure. I understand about being sad and lonely during this time of year. I understand about the weather and the traveling and feeling overwhelmed. I get that. I understand all of these feelings, and often feel this way myself. But I am here to tell you that it's not CHRISTMAS' fault that we feel this way. It's our own. WE create our reality. If you spend Christmas worrying about the perfect present or having the right amount of baking done or whether or not you can spend one more moment in the company of someone, this is not Christmas' fault either.
One year I spent Christmas in bed. I worked at a Christmas craft show at the end of November and came home on December 5 with a socking great case of Mononucleosis that kept me in bed until nearly March. I was completely bed ridden and semi-conscious for much of the month and when you are in bed in December there is not very much on television except those specials. Being in bed meant I didn't help with the preparations or the shopping and I got out of the hoopla by having a neck swollen out past my ears.
When you watch nothing but Christmas specials for 20 days you begin to see a bit of a pattern. Whether it is The Grinch who Stole Christmas (the original one!) or Frosty the Snowman or The Year Without a Santa Claus or Rudolph or any of the nine million other Christmas specials that are on, the message is exactly the same. The point of Christmas is to be nice to each other. To love each other. To believe in magic. And most of all, the point of Christmas is to "keep Christmas in your heart" for the the rest of the year. KEEP believing in magic. KEEP being nice to each other. Believe in love.
So go ahead and hate the crowds, the pressure, the multiple family crisis', and the commercialism, but don't blame Christmas. Look at what you are doing that makes you hate Christmas and for heaven's sake, DO SOMETHING ELSE. Hatred is not the way to move into a new year.
So I wish you peace and joy and warm cookies and angels. I wish you warm legs to put your cold toes on. I wish you laughter and calm and love. I wish you help getting everything you need to get done. I wish you a perfect moment of peace. I wish you belief in magic. I wish you a moment of clarity. But I don't just wish this for you today. I wish you a whole year of these things. I hope that you can keep love and joy and magic in your heart until I can wish it for you again in 2008.
Ho Ho Ho.
(If you are need of a little bit of Christmas cheer, go onto iTunes and download Stuart McLean's "Dave Cooks the Turkey" or any other of his Christmas stories. It'll be the best .99c or .79p you've spent this Christmas! I promise.)
No kidding... the only time I dislike the Yuletide season is Christmas shopping crowds and trying to drive through them in December.... that's why its done by November the first.... Even though I get flack about it, I can still have Christmas spirit on the 25th.
See you tomorrow.
Great post!
i love this! too true...
usually the person putting the most pressure
on myself is me.
&i am with you...
i could never hate the spirit of christmas.
wishing you all good things, miss megg...
mccabe x
I LOVE Christmas...have a merry one. Thanks for sharing 2007 with me...looks like there may just be a wedding at this end soon too!
What weighs me down each holiday season isn't even the commercialism (since we pretty much let go of most of that years ago)...but the dread I feel based on familial expectations. Left to our own devices, we LOVE Christmas. ;) I asked my 10-year old niece yesterday what her favorite part of Christmas is (this is the first year she doesn't believe in Santa)...I added, "Besides the presents!" :) She answered, "I don't know...it's just the way it FEELS...I can't describe it..." EXACTLY. :) Merry Christmas!! xoxo
hello and thank you for stopping by my blog!! I too have just spent a few gorgeous moments soaking in your words. How lovely!!!
and I have to say, you are right on in this post. I work for a major retailer at their corporate location and there is plenty of stress and longer hours and blah blah that comes with the job during this time of year and I STILL love christmas lights and music and holiday specials I've seen 4 million times. Because now is a time where it really is easier to believe in magic.
hope your holiday was magical!
I love your wishes.. ..warm cookies and angels...hope your dreams come true...all year through! xx
thank you!
Great Post
i LOVE dave cooks the turkey and dave raises the turkey and oh well really i adore vinyl cafe :)
hope your christmas was full of beautiful magic : ) xox
I had my own little rant on my blog about "being ready for" and loving Christmas. Glad to see I'm in good company!
Amen sister!! LOL
How true my love-how true!
i love this distinction you make.
I love you
Magnificent piece of Work!
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