This is the very first week of 'Sunday Scribblings!' The picture above is the banner that Laini made especially for the site. She has already graced the site with three pieces of her artwork. I am as excited to see what else she makes as I am to write and read the scribblings that people come up with!
When we talked about what we wanted the site to be like I knew that I wanted it to be lovely. I mentioned the idea of a personalized header to Laini & she sent this image back to me. After one look I knew that it was the right header for the page. That all seemed like a good idea at the time. Whew. Let me tell you - appreciate it when people have incredible things on their websites. It is not easy! I have now learned a little something about CSS thanks in large part to Denise and Mark and a few hours of typing things, hitting the preview button on the template page, holding my breath, swearing, and starting all over again! I still am fighting with dividing lines so if anyone knows how to make them appear, I'd appreciate any input! I am now trying to learn how to make a button so people can put a Sunday Scribblings icon on their sites if they want! Woowoo!
BUT, it is time for my very first Sunday Scribblings post. I am going to do a 5 minute timed writing on here & see what happens! The prompt this week is:
What would you attempt if you knew you would not fail?
What would I do if I couldn't fail? I have answered this question before in lots of tests and self help books. It really is the ultimate question for following our dreams. But I like the way that Laini phrased the question because it is different, somehow, from the other question. It is not about what would I DO if I knew I couldn't fail - it's about what I would ATTEMPT. That's a whole different Ball game!! That question opens things up a whole lot wider. I don't want to be a famous politician, but if all I have to do is attempt it, it might be fun to run for office! This question means that it doesn't have to be a life choice - just a try- it- once- to- see- what- it's- like choice!!
What would I attempt if I knew I couldn't fail? I'd try: skydiving, baking a 14 layer cake, running for Prime Minister (or President of the US... even though I am not a citizen - never mind, this is a fantasy,) show jumping, writing the ultimate self-help manual, snow boarding, having children, doing a one-woman art show, sailing on a tall ship, running a marathon, driving across North America, perming my hair, contacting my favorite writers and asking them for tea, opening an outdoor education center in the UK, winning the lottery, making jam, being a movie star, being a spy, being in the circus, growing all of my own vegetables, dying my hair purple, photographing my world, traveling on a 'round the world ticket, caring for elephants in an elephant orphanage, swimming with wild dolphins, getting my book(s) published, writing a hit movie, writing a top ten song...
That's five minutes. I'm going to resist the urge to edit. I could have done that for hours! I think I will continue this in a different place. I enjoyed that. I'm excited for next week's prompt!!
You are incredibly prolific in just 5 minutes. No wonder you are a writer. Is it like breathing for you?
I love the banner. I will now go and check out the site...
I'm so excited to check out the site...very cool idea. I loved your 5 mins unedited. My favourite one is caring for elephants in an elephant orphanage..not even sure how you came up with that one!! Are there elephant orphanages?? I suppose you could start one if there weren't! You make me laugh xoxo b
Awesome. I love this Sunday Scribblings stuff!
I'm off to check the site out.
Very nice. I'm loving Laini's stuff too! I feel very grateful she's offered up her wonderful creativity.
So whimsical and fun, Meg! Love the way you wedged having kids inbetween snowboarding and art show! And I think you should go ahead with the purple hair. Ever since trying on that electric blue bob wig at the winery, I'm considering a change myself... well, not really!
Crap. I originally had to give up the post to work, but I must have published it anyway...so I am completely my thought now.
I loved the line
"(or President of the US... even though I am not a citizen - never mind, this is a fantasy,)"
pure joy from the free thought!
I think you should dye your hair purple and then run for Prime Minister -- that would be to so punk! You'd probably get at least a good chunk of the cool youth vote! :)
P.S. - nothing negative intended towards the young --heck, I'd vote for you! :)
Maybe I'm shallow, but the perming of the hair is the ultimate in courage (have wrestled with that desire many a time but ultimately, never permed!).
I love your list, Meg, and I just adore you, too, for having the openness and willingness and courage to start Sunday Scribblings. You are already a brave soul--I have no doubt that one day, you will care for those orphaned elephants :) and swim with the dolphins and write more books and publish all of them!
You are a writer for sure...5 minutes of dreaming! Thankyou for your email - good to know you´re here.
What fun! I love that you had 5 minutes of unleashed, unedited dreaming! You reminded me of one that I'd add to mine - perform in Cirque de Soleil!
this was a breath of fresh air! i loved reading this. i am now caught in your dream. i best get to my own.
thanks megg!
Hi Megg.
Beansprout left a comment on my post today, which led me over to your direction.
The reason for this - without knowing anything about your sunday scribblings topic - my last two posts have been about failure!
The universe works in mysterious ways!
Dang--you covered it ALL! It's a great list that shows many aspects of who you are. And it seems to me like you are incredibly multi-faceted!
Thank you so much for starting Sunday Scribblings, both you and Laini. I really enjoyed it and I really REALLY need something like this in my life right now--something that makes writing fun again.
I'm sending you a big hug of thanks. Feel it? :)
And I am so glad I found your blog in this big galaxy of cyberspace!
megg & laini,
my husband and i were knee deep in a house project this weekend...am i allowed to do Sunday Scribblings a bit late this week? won't make a habit of it. ;-)
This makes me want to make a list of all the great things I have done... especially if I can count perming my hair and dying it bright orange (I didn't try purple...) and making jam, just once from mulberries...
you see you've got me dreaming about fun things I've done... its lovely to be reminded that besides all that one hasn't done there are some things on the ticked list...
Now that ultimate self-help manual - might it be called Sunday Scribblings?
I loved this list...great idea about the ultimate self help bpok. I'd buy it! So many great dreams. Thanks so much for starting this!
what a fun and thrilling life!
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