So this slightly neurotic tendency causes me some concern as I sit here to write about the books I WOULD write. I tend to accept any idea as it goes by so I rarely think about the ideas as something I would like to do in another life. Having said that, as I sit here, two books have floated by my head as I wonder what I would write - I have seen one of them clearly (which is rare, I don't usually 'see' things.) It is a book about beauty.
I think that I am addicted to beauty. I would love to write a book that captures the feelings that you get when you experience the beautiful - not beautiful in the sense of a pretty woman - beautiful in the sense of the world, your experiences, the feelings associated with the perception. I would love to write a book about beauty as a verb. I want to write words that help people to experience the shift in focus that you need to really see that there is so much beauty around them. The trouble is, I see that book being made up of my words, but also of beautiful artwork - swirls of purples and pinks and greens and sparkle and expression that my unexercised art ability would have trouble bringing into the world. I do not feel up to the artistic challenge of that book. So that is the book I would write if I felt I could do it justice.
P.S. I know that I posted the photo before, but I just love it and I thought as I was writing about beauty that it was a good choice!
I am in love with the idea of writing about the movement in life. Not movement like moving an arm, but more the undercurrent that pulls us in our own directions, thoughts, and worlds.
So, I appreciate your need to write about beauty, the essence of beauty, not just the image
Megg...you cannot imagine the timeliness of this week's topic! All week I have been struggling with the idea of taking my writing more seriously; I have written poems and journal entries about writing down neophyte lines of poetry rather than letter them vanish, I have spoken with my friend and mentor (my college English prof) about discipline and editing, I have, in essence, driven myself crazy :-)
And when I read your paragraph about capturing the ideas taking ownership, and your sense of heightened awareness...your ideas and their clarity provided a profound confirmation and encouragement.
I apologize for being so verbose, and perhaps this message would have been best left as an email, but, on the other hand, perhaps thisa will encourage someone else to write without hesitation because their words will not only "do justice" but have powerful "beautiful" effects.
'no one else will write my books' - that is so true - these are *our* books, a part of us. i can't wait to read your printed words, megg. and your book of beauty - i think we have been tuning in to the same radio frequency today! i would LOVE to read that book. i can almost taste it (come to B and we'll brainstorm together!)
I really like the "beauty as a verb" book idea. I can't wait 'til it hits the shelves!
I love the idea that ideas are floating around like butterflies and we have to grab them before they get to someone else! I have kind of the same superstition, but somehow it doesn't get me writing faster! Your book idea sounds lovely -- we could all use a lesson in being open to the beauty around us. It's so easy to find ourselves with blinders on going about our routine, forgetting to notice the marvelous world. And I hope that you will write many more books, Meg!
This is such a delightful post! I want to read THIS book! I want to read all you write so hit the paper! Beauty does come in so many forms and the idea of it as a verb is wonderful. I'm here to read any and all you write.
love the photo too. excellent post; so interesting to see what inspires everyone
Love the idea of creating a book about beauty. The beauty that you spoke of is really the best there is... the one that really changes how you view & experience your world.
Ah...but the "beauty" of a project like that might lie in finding a perfect collaborator who could provide the exact sorts of images you imagine...maybe if you ask the universe, 'she'll' deliver. I would DEFINITELY read your beauty book! :)
your words inspire me so much today. the invitation to see the beauty in your life - this would be a book that could change the world a bit my dear. i can't wait to read more of your words....here...and in my hands curled up on my couch as i turn each page.
Yes! I would be the first in line to buy this book!!!
I am a fellow "slightly superstitious sort" with my own methods of "accepting ideas from the universe". Yours sounds much more organized than my scraps of paper jumbling out of bowls, drawers, and baskets...I am forever fretting over these little creative fragments. In addition to inspiring about beauty--perhaps you've inspired something about the freedom accompanying organization. Thanks for this...
Meg, YOU are beauty, and I would snatch up your book (paying top dollar, of course) in a second!
I love the idea of your drawer and the treasures contained within. If anyone can write books about beauty in all its forms, shapes and senses, it is you, Megg. You not only "see" it, but you also have the talent and skill to express it; in many ways you are already writing it right here, in your blog :)
You've already started, by writing what you feel in a way that others can understand. I've written much the same thing in my own blog, but my words were different. There are no truer words than when you said "No one else will write my books."
OH! I so felt this post. I have done that! Had an idea dog me for years, and then saw it made into a movie by someone else! It made me so mad at myself.Grrrr...
But I think you would do them justice! Just write. If the ideas are comming to you, you are meant for them.
I identify with your thought process so much - grab those ideas of yours; but don't just leave them in their cocoons, hidden in the dark file cabinet - take them out, find a butterfly bush to help feed them and set them free for everyone to see their beauty! Your writing is lovely and I hope the universe will send you a collaborator soon, so everyone can read your words.
p.s. I discovered I can send comments on blogspot from my daughter's desktop - but still can't from my own! Darn Blogspot word verification...grumble, grumble...
Beauty as a verb - I like that and will let it swirl around me for a while.
This sounds like a wonderful book to write. And having artwork and words combined is such a brilliant idea! There can never be enough beauty in the world.Can't wait to see what you do end up writing!
I love that you "saw" a book about beauty - that says a lot to me.
And I can see your artwork there too - I see it quite abstract and collaged with some sparkle added in. (The publishers would just love having to add all that glitter... hee hee)
The artwork will come ... I'm convinced the technology is just around the bend that will capture the pictures in our heads! No one is going to write your books! I love that line!
In art school my professor and I would talk about the difference between "the beautiful" and "beauty" all the time. An age old conversation in art and your post makes me think of those talks. Talks about how beautiful is infulenced by culture, fashion, time etc and beauty is something that is intrinsic. I did a series of paintings about beauty, it was interesting to think about how we perceive beauty and try to challenge boundries. That was the series that my husband's grandmother posed for me
Wonderful post as always. I hope you write your books!!!
I would love to write a book that captures the feelings that you get when you experience the beautiful
Your writing about "the beautiful" is captivating and inspiring. I am excited to see where you take this.
I also love the idea of catching ideas that are floating out there for the catching. Your idea is perfect, and I think would be a perfect match for your style. Good thoughts coming your way.
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