Saturday, May 06, 2006

Sunday Scribblings: 'My Shoes"

I wish that I was the girl who could write a whole post for Sunday Scribblings this week about the pair of knee-high electric-blue stiletto boots that I wore out one night. I'm not that girl. I secretly would love to be her. I was only slightly shocked to look back through my Illustrated Discovery Journal to find lots of pictures of platform shoes and sparkley boots and quirky sexy heels. That's a side to me that I always knew was lurking, but I have never really let out to play.

Before you feel sad for that part, you need to know that I have loved the decisions in my life that have necessitated the need for more stable shoes! In fact, the shoes that I am going to write fondly about are a pair of battered leather boots. I just wanted to let you know that this very practical-dressing, size-10-footed chick has a crazy shoe dream. In fact, during the last scene in Mama Mia I couldn't dance properly to the music - all I could think about was where I could find and then where I could wear BOOTS like that! (Silver sequined platforms if you haven't seen the play!!)

But back to my beloved Roots boots. I bought my boots on a shopping trip in Kingston with my friend Jayne. She had a pair and loved them and rather than being irritated by my apparent copying, she happily walked me to the shop and helped me pick them out! I loved them immediately because of their round toes. When you have size 10 feet you sometimes have to make do with boots that make your feet look big. These lovely round toes and beefy treads made my feet look like a normal size. As soon as I had them on I knew we would be friends for a very long time!

I began to wear my boots nearly every day. I wore them with my costume when I dressed up as a Pioneer (not very authentic, but very comfortable.) I wore them out dancing (in Canada in winter you need to wear something to dance in that will also get you home across the ice!) I wore them when I worked at a summer camp. And when I walked onto the plane to fly to England for the first time, they were on my feet. In fact, every time I fly anywhere I pull out my trusty boots. They have been to Holland, Singapore, England, Scotland, Majorca and Lanzarote. They have been covered in all manner of strange things. They have been my constant companions.

(This is a side note where I say that as I type this the song, 'Boots or Hearts' by the Tragically Hip has begun to play on my Party Shuffle. This line goes: "when it starts to fall apart, it really falls apart. Like boots or hearts oh when they start, they really fall apart." Good timing for the rest of my post.)

I over-pronate. A result of ingrown toenails when I was a kid, I walk with a roll. So sadly, over the years my boots have worn down on the outside of the heel. They no longer feel as stable and secure as they used to. I don't feel like I can take on the world with them on my feet. I have worn them down - used up all of their power. I have been desperately looking for a new pair, but they don't seem to make them anymore. I am deeply saddened by this turn of events.

So now, emboldened by the fact that I have had that relationship once, I am on the hunt for a new pair of magic boots. I don't want them to be sequined or platformed. Magic doesn't really live there. Magic isn't in the flash and the sparkle. Magic is in the relationship. It's in the security and the stability and the support. Magic is in the adventures you have together. I know I will find it again. In the meantime, my old battered black boots sit under my bed. I just can't seem to get rid of them. No, I can't get rid of them - we've been through too much together.


Laini Taylor said...

Ooh, Meg, wish you had a picture! I have had a pair of beloved boots, too - black leather boots Jim got me for our second Christmas together, and they finally started getting a bit shabby -- I had them re-heeled once (have you done that?) so he got me TWO more pairs of boots this Christmas!! Love that these boots have traveled with you -- mine too, I always wear them on the plane so I don't have to pack them, though mine haven't walked as much of the world as yours! Singapore! And heck, where's Lanzarote? Never heard of it! (fun topic!)

Jennifer S. said...

Magic boots for adventure - I like that!

SC said...

I know those boots--remember them fondly!! Love your words Meg-
xo k

Caroline said...

Wow if I had ever had boots such as those I would have worn them at my wedding!

Your boots sound so loved, that's what comes through more than anything else for me.

AscenderRisesAbove said...

magical boots... what a wonderful world that would be.
(just a thought: a high grade insole for pronating would make those boots wearable again)

Deirdre said...

I love your magic boots and the adventures you've had in them. My ex had a pair of boots for over twenty years that he'd had re-soled five times. He always said good boots should last a lifetime. I say take those things to a good cobbler and wear them for a very long time!

gkgirl said...

love this
especially the parts
i can so relate to...
boots worn out to dance in
the lyrics to tragically hip

Claudia said...

I understand, I hope you find some new boots to carry you along.

GoGo said...

I am learning so much about shoes with this subject tag. I really enjoyed reading your words and want to invest in some good boots!

Maggie May said...

Your post reminds me a little of mine. It's sad when the time comes to say goodbye to some time-worn and experience-rich shoes. I hope you find some new magic ones soon!

Susannah Conway said...

Great post Meg! doesn't it just break your heart when beloved boots wear out - it's like losing a leg... i always think 'why didn't i buy two pairs?' but then you never know they'll become your magic boots until you've walked a thousand miles in them :-)

Anonymous said...

I loved this! I could see your magic boots so clearly. I am always in denial about shoes wearing out...I'd rather have a big dramatic breakup with a pair of beloved shoes than have to deal with their demise.

I also really liked how you pointed out that the magic is in the little things. I am all about the glitter (well, metaphorically) and sometimes I forget about that ordinary deep magic of relationship and experience. Thanks for the reminder.

Cate said...

Such a profound realization, and it only often comes with age (damnit, why can't we be 20 and wise to the world?)! These words, "Magic is in the relationship. It's in the security and the stability and the support," are so true, so important, and they apply to everything: love affairs, friendships, and yes, shoes! You are amazing, Meg! I'm grateful that you share your insights through writing!

lisrobbe said...

Good luck finding your new magic boots. Can't wait to here the store of their journey as well.

Tammy Brierly said...

I too have a pair of magic boots :)
Good topic and fun post!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if when you get your new magic boots (I know they are out there) if you will still want to keep the old ones under your bed. It's so hard to get rid of things like that.

Kristine said...

I can relate to the well traveled shoes. This post warmed my heart.

liz elayne lamoreux said...

the magic is in the relationship. love this.

love the idea of the comfort in these boots. oh i hope you find a new pair soon!

tara dawn said...

I love this, especially the magic of the relationship. How easily we all may become fooled by believing in the magic of sequins and sparkles and glitz...but indeed, it is the relationship, the stability and perseverance, the dedication, the adventures...that is the magic. Thank you for this lovely reminder and for using your talents to share such a great story with us all!
Much love to you dear girl,

Brad said...

It is true that a boot is made for walkin'... and one of these day these boots is gonna magically release you to the joy that YOU are the magician!

Loved it.
